Patient Information
(Not accepting new patients)
Dr. Holmberg has experience treating patients for over 20 years. His areas of expertise include treatment of Depression, Anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, eating disorders, and others.
Patient appointments will only be scheduled on Wednesdays unless otherwise notified. To make an appointment please call 801-432-2077 or click here to send a message. You may also send a message through the patient portal if you have a portal account. See below.
Patient Portal Info
Patients can message Dr. Holmberg's office through the secure patient portal by clicking here. If you don't remember your login or don't have an account, please call 801-432-2077 to receive a new invite. If you remember your username but not your password, click on "forgot password."
Communication with Dr. Holmberg's Office Disclaimer
Please note that all inbound communication (phone, fax, email, mail, patient portal messaging, texts) may be viewed or listened to by the office staff before being directed to Dr. Holmberg. If you do do not want the office staff to view or listen to your messages, please communicate confidential information during your appointment or type "confidential" in the subject line of emails or messages.
Email Communication
Dr. Holmberg's office takes protecting your health information seriously. Patients who wish to communicate with our office via email should do so cautiously and must sign an email agreement stating that they understand the risks associated with the use of email. However, your use of email to communicate with this office, even without a signed agreement, automatically indicates that you agree to and understand the risks associated with sending information over the internet and that you will not hold Dr. Holmberg or his office staff liable if it is accidentally misdirected or intercepted by a third party. Your use of email also means you agree to and understand that once information is sent, it can't be unsent, that it can be viewed, distributed or copied, and may no longer be protected by HIPAA rules and regulations.
If you would like to have your records sent to Dr. Holmberg, another provider, or receive a copy of own records, please go the forms tab and complete the correct authorization form. Completed forms can be sent back via the patient portal, mail, email, or fax.
Medication Refills
Dr. Holmberg does his best to provide patients with enough medication to get them through to their next recommended/required appointment. Before contacting us for a refill, please call your pharmacy first to make sure you don't have any refills on file. Please note that to receive certain prescriptions such as stimulants, Dr. Holmberg requires an appointment every 3 months. Please click here for directions on obtaining refills.
Fees and Insurance
Dr. Holmberg's patient practice is self-pay and does not accept insurance. However, we can provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement (excluding Medicare) upon request. For a current fee schedule, please call 801-432-2077.
Patients who have Medicare - Important!
Dr. Holmberg is considered a Medicare Opt-Out Provider. If you are on Medicare and still choose to see Dr. Holmberg, you must agree to not submit any invoices for your visits with Dr. Holmberg to Medicare for reimbursement. You are also required to sign a Medicare Opt-Out Agreement with this office every two years regarding this policy.
Thank you for being a valued patient. Please call 801-432-2077 for questions.
Patient appointments will only be scheduled on Wednesdays unless otherwise notified. To make an appointment please call 801-432-2077 or click here to send a message. You may also send a message through the patient portal if you have a portal account. See below.
Patient Portal Info
Patients can message Dr. Holmberg's office through the secure patient portal by clicking here. If you don't remember your login or don't have an account, please call 801-432-2077 to receive a new invite. If you remember your username but not your password, click on "forgot password."
Communication with Dr. Holmberg's Office Disclaimer
Please note that all inbound communication (phone, fax, email, mail, patient portal messaging, texts) may be viewed or listened to by the office staff before being directed to Dr. Holmberg. If you do do not want the office staff to view or listen to your messages, please communicate confidential information during your appointment or type "confidential" in the subject line of emails or messages.
Email Communication
Dr. Holmberg's office takes protecting your health information seriously. Patients who wish to communicate with our office via email should do so cautiously and must sign an email agreement stating that they understand the risks associated with the use of email. However, your use of email to communicate with this office, even without a signed agreement, automatically indicates that you agree to and understand the risks associated with sending information over the internet and that you will not hold Dr. Holmberg or his office staff liable if it is accidentally misdirected or intercepted by a third party. Your use of email also means you agree to and understand that once information is sent, it can't be unsent, that it can be viewed, distributed or copied, and may no longer be protected by HIPAA rules and regulations.
If you would like to have your records sent to Dr. Holmberg, another provider, or receive a copy of own records, please go the forms tab and complete the correct authorization form. Completed forms can be sent back via the patient portal, mail, email, or fax.
Medication Refills
Dr. Holmberg does his best to provide patients with enough medication to get them through to their next recommended/required appointment. Before contacting us for a refill, please call your pharmacy first to make sure you don't have any refills on file. Please note that to receive certain prescriptions such as stimulants, Dr. Holmberg requires an appointment every 3 months. Please click here for directions on obtaining refills.
Fees and Insurance
Dr. Holmberg's patient practice is self-pay and does not accept insurance. However, we can provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement (excluding Medicare) upon request. For a current fee schedule, please call 801-432-2077.
Patients who have Medicare - Important!
Dr. Holmberg is considered a Medicare Opt-Out Provider. If you are on Medicare and still choose to see Dr. Holmberg, you must agree to not submit any invoices for your visits with Dr. Holmberg to Medicare for reimbursement. You are also required to sign a Medicare Opt-Out Agreement with this office every two years regarding this policy.
Thank you for being a valued patient. Please call 801-432-2077 for questions.